Learn how to Increase Your Chance Of Getting Pregnant by working out when is The Best Time To Get Pregnant
The average healthy couple takes under 12 months to conceive. But did you know that you could streamline the process by just getting to know you body better? Here are some tips to help you discover when is the best time to get pregnant.
The Fertile Window
The best time to get pregnant is during the fertile window that lasts about 5 or 6 days leading up to and including the day a woman ovulates. During one of these days, your body releases an egg that can survive for about 24 hours. Sperms need to be around to meet the egg in order for conception to happen.
So the first thing you need to estimate is when you ovulate. In order to calculate this, you need to have a regular period.
If you have a reasonably regular and healthy period, here is how to find out the timing of your ovulation. If you don’t have a regular period, please seek help from Chinese medicine or acupuncture.
Basal Body Temperature
Measure your body temperature every morning when you wake up preferably around the same time. Plot a graph of the temperature and the day of the cycle. A normal graph looks something like this:
Ovulation happens at the point where there is a clear spike in your body temperature (Day 14 or 15 in this figure). Your most fertile days would be Day 10 for about Day 16 – this is the best time to get pregnant. If the graph is too low or too high, too short or too long, too unstable or if there is no spike, this may reveal difficulties with conception. An abnormal graph can mean unhealthy hormonal levels, lack of ovulation or unhealthy uterine environment for conception.
If you don’t have a regular period or you have always suffered from severe period pain, you might want to seek help from acupuncture and Chinese medicine to produce a healthy period.
Fertile Mucus
Another way you can estimate the timing of your ovulation is to monitor your cervical mucus. Normally before ovulation occurs, there is hardly any vaginal discharge. As you are getting close to ovulation, you will find some white and sticky discharge. Your chance of conception increases as this mucus becomes more stretchy and thin like egg white. This fertile mucus facilitates pathways for sperm to enter the uterus. The last day of the occurrence of the fertile mucus is the day of peak fertility, which is the day before or the day the egg is released. This would be the day of ovulation. With the knowledge of this day, say Day 14, you can then estimate your fertile window from Day 10 to Day 15 – this is the best time to get pregnant.
You are most fertile when your cervical mucus looks like this.
Thin and stretchy like egg white
Do you have other questions about falling pregnant? Contact me, and I’ll help you with the answer.
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