
7 Tips For Male Fertility

Posted November 13th, 2015
Man's age and fertility

Studies have shown that modern men are significantly less fertile than our forefathers 50 years ago. Many healthy men are found to have low sperm count and decreased motility. Male fertility rates continue to drop at a rate of 2-3% every year. Roughly 1 in 6 couples are infertile. 40% of these cases are attributed to men and the other 40% to women. Having said that, many of these cases can benefit from early detection, treatment and change of lifestyle. There are many ways of boosting male fertility to reverse the situation.


In our last Blog, we discussed the causes of male fertility. Stressful lifestyle, poor diet, adrenal exhaustion, trauma, infection, medication, hormonal imbalance, environmental toxins and congenital disorders can all contribute to male infertility.


Although certain genetic or medical issues are beyond our control, there are many things you can do to help improve your chance of having babies. For many couples, assisted fertility therapies such as Chinese medicine and In Vitro Fertilisation may be necessary. It is important to seek medical advice if you have been having difficulty with conception for over 12 months.

Here is the list of 7 ways of boosting male fertility naturally.

  1. Avoid Environmental Pollutants

Avoid Foreign Hormones

Xenoestrogens are hormones that are widely used in industrial compounds. By mimicking your natural oestrogen, they interfere with your reproductive system causing issues such as early puberty and infertility. Xenoestrogen include PCBs, BPA (Bisphenol A), phthalates, DDT, dioxin, plastics and industrial pollutants. Here is a list of suggestions.

  • Avoid heating food in plastic containers in the microwave.
  • Avoid leaving plastic drink bottles in the sun.
  • Use glass, ceramic or BPA-free containers and bottles.
  • Avoid eating tin food as the lining of the tin contains BPA.
  • Consume fewer animal products containing hormones.
  • Use organic household cleaners.

Avoid Heavy Metals, Radiation and

Reduce exposure to lead, mercury, cadmium, aluminium and arsenic that can be found in cigarette smoke, deodorants, hair dyes, lead pipes, car exhaust, paint, cosmetics, aluminium cookware, household detergents and certain medications such as aspirin and nasal sprays. These may lower libido and impair reproductive functions.

Avoid Harmful Chemicals

Reduce exposure to harmful chemicals in pesticides, herbicides, paint, organic solvents, benzenes, toluene and xylene. These may reduce sperm count and quality.

Reduce Radiation

Cancer Treatment

Radiotherapy in cancer treatments may affect fertility in both men and women. Couples who consider conception may want to wait for a period of time after cancer treatment before trying to conceive as radiation may damage genes in the sperm. Discuss with your doctor before cancer treatment regarding options to preserve your sperm and protect your testicles.

Computers, Laptops and Mobile Phones

Electromagnetic radiation may affect our sperm, eggs and embryos due its possible damaging effect on cellular DNA. Keep your computers and phones and the WIFI console away from your bedrooms. Switch them off when not in use. Get away from the screen every so often. Place plants, Epsom salts and salt lamps near your devices to absorb radiation. Take antioxidants such as vitamins C and E. Use laptops away from your lap. Keep a distance from your cordless phone and use the speaker and text where possible.

Some studies  have shown that using laptops on your lap may affect your fertility simply by raising the temperature of your scrotum causing it to overheat. In other studies, it was shown that holding your mobile phone in your pocket or around your waist increased electromagnetic waves emission and may impair sperm quality as a result of higher free radicals and greater oxidative stress.


  1. Protect Your Sperm Physically

Avoid wearing tight clothing so that the circulation of the groin area is not restricted and overheated. Frequent hot baths, sauna and the long period use of electric blankets may cause the scrotum to overheat which affects the sperm count and quality.


  1. Healthy Diet

Eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits to get plenty of antioxidants. Fish, eggs, meat, nuts, seeds and legumes provide good protein for your reproductive health. Avoid processed food, refined carbohydrates and additives. Being underweight or overweight can hinder the reproductive system. Check out our blog on Top Foods To Increase Fertility for some of the powerful foods that boost fertility.


  1. Appropriate Exercise

When you are working out, happy hormones are released in your body to make you feel positive and relaxed. It is even better if you could exercise outdoor in the sun to improve your vitamin D levels. Taichi, qigong and yoga are meditative exercises that improve your ability to focus and to relax at your proposal.


  1. Rest and Relaxation

Rest is just as important as exercise to make you feel more positive. Sleep deprivation is a big contributor to stress, which affects our reproductive system among others. Get a good 7-8 hours sleep. Listen to your body if it tells you that it’s time to rest. Take a nap. Enjoy nature. Listen to music. Walk away from the screen and go for a walk. Check out our blog on Stress Affects Fertility for more tips.


  1. Chinese herbs

Traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture have a long history of strengthening the health of couples. Common herbs include Huang Qi (Astragalus), Ren Shen (Ginseng) and Yin Yang Huo (Horny Goat Weed), Tu Si Zi (Chinese Dodder Seeds). They come in raw, granulated or capsule format. The best way to take Chinese herbs is when they are combined in a formula to work synergistically together with several herbs. To find out Chinese medicine and acupuncture can help you, check out the Fertility and Pregnancy page on our website.


  1. Medication, Drugs and Alcohol

Testosterone replacement therapy, chemotherapy, anabolic steroids, antidepressants, opiates, antifungal and ulcer medication may have a negative effect on your reproductive health. Speak to your doctor regarding the effect of these medications on fertility. Heavy smoking, marijuana, cocaine and heavy alcohol consumption harm your sperm and libido. Replace these with healthy options such as meditation, exercise, spiritual awareness, mindfulness and music.


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