Acupuncture Chatswood
How does acupuncture work?
Acupuncture in Chatswood involves the insertion of fine needles along energy channels all over the body or along blockage areas. The needle promotes circulation to the area to unblock the channel, to strengthen the organ function associated with the channel, and to signal the brain and the nervous system to release endorphins (the relaxation hormone). The needle is sometimes warmed with moxibustion by burning a special herb near the point. This has a warming, circulating, and anti-inflammatory benefit and strengthens the effect of the needle. Sometimes a gentle electrical current is used to vibrate the to increase the stimulation in order to achieve a stronger result. Acupuncture has been the mainstream medicine for thousands of years in one of the most populous countries in the world – China.
Does acupuncture hurt?
Acupuncture needles are hair-thin and are much more gentle than the injection needle. When the needle goes into the skin, there may be a quick prick. Once the needle is in, the prick disappears. For certain points, it is necessary to obtain an achy, numb, heavy or electrical sensation to produce better outcomes. Acupuncture styles vary from one physician to another. Here we adopt the gentle protocol to reduce stress during the treatment.
Acupuncture Chatswood : Is acupuncture safe?
“Do no harm” is the first and foremost goal of our holistic practice. The least the treatments can do for you is to improve your organ functions, help you relax and restore your hormonal balance. Meticulous attention will be given to your body constitution to ensure maximum safety. Acupuncture carries a small risk of inappropriate puncturing of organs. Therefore it is highly recommended that you go to a registered practitioner who has had proper training and one who puts safety first.
Are the needles sterile?
Acupuncture needles used in our clinic are one-off disposable needles that come in sterile packaging. They are disposed of safely after one single use only.
How long are the needles left in for?
Typically the needles are retained for 20-30 minutes.
How would I feel during an acupuncture treatment?
Most patients feel very relaxed during the acupuncture in Chatswood treatment and may fall asleep. This is because some of the points used in our clinic relax the sympathetic nervous system and calm emotions.
How many sessions do I need?
It all depends on the nature, duration, and severity of your condition. Typically 3 to 8 sessions is the norm. In China acupuncture is performed every 1-2 days for 10 sessions as a course. Here in Australia, the standard practice is weekly treatments for several weeks and then a review is made at the end of the course. For long-standing or chronic conditions, maintenance treatment is recommended.
The information provided here is intended for informational and educational purposes. It is not intended to be a replacement for professional medical advice from your personal doctor. It does not provide a guarantee to success.